Hi guys. Let's get in to it!
In my previous blog I mentioned what each of my brushes were made out of and a bit of insight to a few mishaps and issues I had a long the way with the manufacturing process! If you'd like to read it click here for the breakdown.
I'm sure you would all agree with me about the following facts; us ladies would love to have the perfect makeup look that is super easy to achieve, makes an enhanced difference in our appearance, nothing too over the top, and most importantly even out our skin tone, hiding any flaws. I'm sure you will also agree that we get sold makeup and skincare products that we don't know how to use, OR is the wrong colour and doesn't suit!
This is the same for brushes, many ladies don't have makeup brushes, or if they do, they don't know how to use them. But let me just say, makeup brushes are the KEY to an even and flawless makeup base, brushes are the KEY to makeup longevity, brushes are the KEY to making your makeup look incredible, full stop! This is what a client recently said ''I'm loving the foundation brush, it makes the foundation I have now stay on much longer and look more even''. So with that said, let's start!
Powder Brush.

Powder brushes have many functions, you would use it to apply your powder foundation, bronzer and to set any liquid or creme foundation.
To use you would load your brush up with either of the 3 products mentioned above and start at the top of your forehead, working in circular motions down your face till you are happy with the coverage you've achieved. Always step back from the mirror straight on to assess the coverage and add more if needed, or if you have too much, easily keep blending the product into your face to diffuse and thin the product out.

The Foundation Blender, is a key brush to ensuring your foundation, concealer and blusher is buffed and blended into your skin seamlessly. For foundation application you would use it like the powder brush, starting from your forehead down, making sure you get the coverage you desire and blending and buffing the product so there are no visible foundation lines. With Blusher I love to blend in any harsh edges if you've gone too heavy with the colour, work the brush into the edges to lightly diffuse till you're happy. This goes the same with concealer, once you've applied your concealer under your eyes, you can use your foundation blender to smooth the product out so your skin tone is one flawless canvas. And Lastly I love this brush as a contour, it fit's perfectly under your cheek bone creating the perfect contour line.

Concealer Brush, the perfect size to fit under your eye to hide any dark circles as well as any imperfections. With the product loaded onto your brush, in dabbing motions conceal onto any trouble areas, or dark circles. Don't swipe the brush as it will lessen the coverage and not hide your un-wanted flaws, so dabbing is best! I also love to use this brush for creme or gel type eye shadows, as it easily glides on to the mobile eyelid, perfect for wet type products!
And there you have it, all three brushes explained. I will do videos with the brushes in action but today's blog is purely a quick description on what each brush is, how to use them and a few tips along the way.
My next blog with go over the Blusher, Shadow Blender and Eye Shadow Brushes!
If you have any questions or comments please email me: brushes@krystinatekanawa.com - I'm more then happy to help!
Krystina x