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20Twenty20 - Breaking down the details


Hi guys! In this blog post I'm breaking down my project 20Twenty20 - I'm super excited about this awesome initiative and really looking forward to working with all 20 deserving ladies over the next couple of months!


I've decided to give back through my makeup skills and knowledge to ladies who've been given a raw deal in life, who have health and skin related issues, to ladies who just need a bit of TLC, support and a good positive confidence boost. Why? I want to shine a positive side to makeup and how it truly helps, inspires, gives confidence and enhances any lady when done correctly with the best intentions. How: I'll be teaching each lady step by step how to do their makeup through 'Zoom' a live online video platform, being the easiest way to reach all 20 ladies globally. At present I teach a lot of private clients and each of them absolutely love this new way of learning to do their makeup online - more info can be found here. The looks I'm going to teach each lady are looks that are achievable and easy to replicate in her everyday life, and to help with the issues she may currently be facing. I want each lady to walk away feeling confident, empowered, and sure of themselves, whilst having fun. Here are a few topics I will be covering:

  • How to create a flawless base - A lady who has patchy, problematic skin

  • A lady going through or post cancer - Confidence and empowerment boost

  • The ultimate work makeup look - A lady getting back into the work force

  • A fast natural pick me up look - Stay at home Mum who need's a bit of TLC and 'me time'

  • A lady with dark circles - the right product and techniques to cover easily

  • Wedding Day Makeup - A Bride to be who doesn't have the luxury of hiring a makeup artist

  • School Ball/Prom Makeup - A school girl who can't afford to invest in a makeup artist

The first group of 4-5 ladies I work with will get their makeup sponsored by MAC Cosmetics and the remaining ladies from other makeup brands that are yet to be revealed. To provide the ladies with the correct makeup I'll be doing online consultations to not only determine their right makeup products, but to break the ice, get to know each other a bit more, and reassure the session is going to be fun and like a chat with a best friend over makeup.

Nominate yourself or your friend.

SO If you know of anyone that you think is deserving, that fit's one of the topics above and isn't shy to be on camera, please get in touch and I can provide you with more information: Email me at:

There are a lot more details involved but that's the overall idea.

Remember to 'Like' my social media pages to stay up to date, the icons below will send you directly to my pages.

Thank You for your support!

Krystina xxx

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